Monday, January 21, 2008


A very funny lady I know, whose blog I read, sent out this tag. In light of the day I had today, I couldn't pass it up.

I have a dream...

That one day I will walk into a social services office and see mothers with their babies looking for and receiving help without ten tons of gold jewelry on, expensive intricate hairstyles and equally costly manicures. That will mean people have learned they must put their children first in everything, they have learned where their priorities must be, and understand that abuse of the charity of others only hurts the givers and those in need they might have helped next had you not hurt and jaded them.

I have a dream...

That all tribes become one tribe. That we will delight in our one tribe being the most exotic, intricate and diversified collection of human beings there can possibly be and it will give us pleasure to celebrate our differences...together.

I have a dream...

That one day everyone will realize that domesticated animals depend on us and we are responsible to them for all of their lives just as we would be for our natural born children. Without us to shelter them as we promised, they are cold, wet and vulnerable to attack. Without us to feed them they will starve and be forced to hunt with weakened skills since we purposely bred them out of them. Without love, cuddles and snuggles of affection they will suffer alone and lonely, unable to trust...unable to comprehend...and unable to feel needed and wanted just as everyone craves to be needed and wanted.

I have a dream...

That fear and self-preservation will lose the battle against conscience and righteous indignation when it comes time for us to bear witness to cruelty, abuse, or a crime of any kind. That people will understand that their silence may not have involved them in the present crime, but it will aid and abet the crime of the future if allowed to. Speak up. Be unafraid. Be a moral force of nature. Say NOT THIS TIME...NOT THIS ANIMAL...NOT THIS CHILD...NOT THIS NEIGHBORHOOD...NOT THIS TIME AND NOT EVER AGAIN!!!'re it! If you have a blog...let's see what you dream the way Martin Luther King dreamed. put the link in my comments when you are done.


Crystal said...

I'm so honored you read me :) And I can see why you're a bestseller. Incredibly well said and powerful.

thank you


Jacquelyn Frank said...

Thank you for taking the time to visit me, Crystal. I am so delighted you did so!

Wendy said...

I love reading Crystal's blog! :)

Wendy said...

And hey! What happened to the Trifecta? Who win? Ohh, you thought I'd forget, huh? Well, I'm onto you, missy! LOL.

Oddly enough, today when I was in Clinicals, Nettles popped in my head and I got kinda sad. I'm such a wimp.

Jacquelyn Frank said...

AWw..ty for caring about poor
Nettles. Maybe the story will help other be aware of how dangerous it is to have their cats outdoors.

Wendy said...

Yeah, if that had happened at me, I swear I would have cried.

There's this beautiful black cat that likes to sit on top of my car (in the mornings you can see all the catprints) and I've tried to get him/her to get closer so I can feed her and see if she's ok but she always runs away!

There's quite a few of cats I've seen walking around and it kinda worries me because there's a few people that live around her who I know wouldn't care if they run over one of them and I've thought of maybe kidnapping the homeless ones to take to an adoption place but ohmygod, they are FAST! lol.

If it was up to me, I would adopt them all! But I can't. :(

Ok, I'll stop procrastinating now, back to studying!

Stephanie*magic* said...

That was beautifully said Jacki.

Gina Bentley said...

As always, so well spoken and inspiring.

I took your tag to my myspace blog:


Jacquelyn Frank said...

yay! Only..your blog and space are set to private so I can;t seeeeee! FRiend me!

CinnamonGirl74 said...

That was very beautifully & poignantly put. Thank you for sharing that. I hope we can all see such dreams realized in the near future.
Jacki, I'm sorry to have read about Nettles, but I'm also glad that you were there to save him from what would most likely have been a much more agonizing death. I'm sure you have more furry little angels looking out for you, from above, than can be counted on two hands (two feet, even?). Anyway, I'm glad you're at peace with it all. :) ~ Ness


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