Thursday, August 26, 2010

Had to share.

Okay, so I'm a bitch. We all know this. But I have proof. 'Fan' letter received via my website (and I left the spelling and grammar as is...for effect) "I purchased the book Ecstacy in a local store because the back cover exerpt seemed interesting. Initially I enjoyed the book, but was soon quite discusted at the far too graphic sex scenes that were described. I was unable to finish any more of the book. I find it unfortunate that your book included this type of unecessary scenarios, as the basic story ;line seemed so interesting." My reply. "I guess this means you won't be buying me anymore. I write a lot of sex. Tons of it. The more graphic the better. I do love my fucking.Cest la Vie, chere. Hugs and Kitties Jacki Frank"
Like I said. I'm a bitch. ;)
Could have been worse...I could have know...RUDE. I mean seriously. This is what i do. This is what I am good at and how i make a living. Do I go into the restaurant you waitress at and feel the need to know, you would be a really good waitress...except for that whole thing where you serve people. All that serving...I just don't see the point! No. You know what I do? I don't go back if someone's 'serving' bothers me. I don't feel it necessary to tell them that the way they earn their way in the world just doesn't suit me AT ALL.

Bitch, please!

And that sound you just heard? That's my agent an editors collectively fainting.

Hugs and Kitties

PS: If she thinks I'm bad...maybe I should send her a Lora Leigh book...for comparison. Hehehe.


hhodges01 said...

I personally love the sex scenes ;)

Please keep them extra graphic!

eloburgio said...

Jacki: You do your thang.
That woman was uptight and appalled to have read such a scenario because it will never happen in her life (the sex that is).
Those scenarios are the reason I read your books. It's the reason I stay up in the middle of the night telling myself..."one more page and I'll go to bed," and end up reading the entire book when the sun comes up.
You're good at what you do.
If she wants storrryyylinnneesss... then she needs to go to the teen fiction section and get herself some Twlight Saga.
You go girl! ♥

Yatie Tajudin said...

I love your books and the sex scene are just FINE!!!

RENEE said... buy a book named "ecstasy" and then get pissed because there are many scenes of...uh, ecstasy??

Stacie Stovall said...

FOR REAL??? She's just jealous that it wasn't her in the book. She should keep her ass in the childrens books if she can't handle WONDERFUL writing. I am so glad that you stood up for yourself! Compared to what I would have said, you were very nice in your reply. Keep them coming, and don't change a thing. *HUGS*

Michelle said...

OMG...I agree with eloburgio and Stacie...this woman "child" should remain in the childrens/teen section of the book store...Jacki...we all love your writing, please don't even think about toning it down...
I was reading this blog this morning and my 23 year old daughter was in the kitchen...I started laughing and she had to know what was up...I read it too her and all she could say was "OMG tell that woman to get a life!"...As for your editors and agent...lmao...maybe you should buy some stocks in smelling salts...lmao...

Sue S. said...

LMAO - I have only read your Nightwalker series - but now I'm so going to have to get Ecstacy for my Nook!

Buzzed Sweetness said...

Omg I laughed when I read Renee's comment because she's right. How can you buy a book called Ecstacy and be upset that there's a lot of . . . esctacy? You're just stupid, that's what you are.

Jacquelyn you're awesome at what you do and I hope you continue doing it.

msjan said...

Jacki, don't change anything! She was so shocked by the fact that someone could have such "ecstasy" that she forgot her manners. Maybe she needs some of he own. we should feel bad for her that she ain't gettin' any!

Linda CBS said...

Ecstasy was one of my favorites. I think you (and Lora Leigh) do a good job combining story, interesting characters, and sex. Maybe I am going to hell for my reading perversions. :) Don't care.

Unknown said...

I also personally love the graphic sex scenes, the more details the better. I love your books I read Jacob fell in love with the story and of course the SEX lol. Since then I have gotten most all of your books missing two.

Keep up the wonderful work can't wait to read The Bid in September.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your books.the sex scenes are great.that woman was just being a uptight bitch.

CatsMeow said...

LMAO. You go girl. Love the SEX!!! You might also suggest your new series as "Jax".

Alma said...

You'd think by the title of the book, she'd have figured out that sex just might be in there somewhere. Come on!

Miadora said...

I love love LOVE your reply! You rock!

Murees Dupè said...

I think you are brilliant.

triner said...

i love ur replay jacki she should definetly read a lora leigh book

Unknown said...

Heck next to the plot the hot nasty sex is awesome...and depressing...I realize I am missing some hot nasty sex but it helps with my job as a fetish phone mistress, helps get me in the right head space ;) hehee

Unknown said...

I love your books and if I am in the mood for "less" sex I read something else. No need ot be rude to anyone that puts it out there for our entertainment. Keep writin the hot stuff!!

Amanda said...

I love the sex scenes. I think there could be more.


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